
11 Mar

Zone F and Printworks Place/New Brunswick St

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Zone F and Printworks Place/New Brunswick St

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Reserved Matters Applications submitted – opportunity to share your comments with Southwark Council

We have submitted two Reserved Matters Applications (RMAs) to Southwark Council.

The first application is for around 410 new homes, and c. 42,000 sqm of new workspace and shops, within an area known as ‘Zone F’ of the Canada Water Masterplan. Thank you for everyone who took the time to visit our virtual exhibition and our in-person ‘pop-up’ events in Surrey Quays Shopping Centre in October last year, and for sharing their comments and questions about the proposals. The second application is for two new public spaces that adjoin Zone F and connect to other spaces within the masterplan area. 

Both applications have been validated by Southwark Council, and there is a statutory consultation period for Zone F until 5 April. During this time, you can view all the planning documents and provide a formal comment directly to Southwark Council for their consideration in their determination of the planning application. You can also provide a formal comment to Southwark Council for Printworks Place/New Brunswick Street. For further details on how to submit your comments see ‘next steps’ below.

IMAGE: Illustrative view of Zone F from Printworks Place, which is new public realm separating Plot F2 office space/residential tower and the Printworks building (Plot H1). Plot F1, comprising one residential tower is situated to the rear of the image on the right-hand side.

More about Zone F

The proposals for Zone F are for around 400 new homes, and c. 38,000 sqm of new workspace and shops, across two separate buildings known as Plot F1 and Plot F2. The buildings have been designed to be highly sustainable and will feature verdant roof terraces, and a mix of retail uses at ground floor to help liven up the new public spaces that are being delivered via a separate Reserved Matters Application (see below). Plot F1 is a standalone residential tower with a small podium containing c. 230 homes whilst Plot F2 will house both office space and c.170 homes. The homes will be open market housing and 60% of the new homes will be family sized (2-3 bedrooms); affordable housing will be spread across the Masterplan.

The outline planning permission for the Canada Water Masterplan established the parameters within which Zone F can be developed. This RMA has been created in conformity with the approved parameters, seeking approval for the detailed design, proposed appearance, layout, use, scale and landscaping of the building and surrounding area.

We shared the proposals in a virtual public exhibition between 18 October and 1 November, and also held ‘pop-up’ events at Surrey Quays Shopping Centre on 23 and 28 October. Thank you to everyone who took the time to view the exhibition and share their comments and questions. A full Statement of Community Involvement has been produced summarising the activities and comments received, which is available on Southwark Council’s planning register (see below for how to view this application on the planning register).

For more details about the Zone F proposals, please visit the downloads section on our website where you can find the Zone F information boards from the virtual exhibition that was held earlier in the Summer. More information on Zone F can also be found in Section 7.8 of our FAQs.


More about Printworks Place/New Brunswick Street

The Printworks Place/New Brunswick Street application is for two new spaces which adjoin the Zone F application boundary area, to the north east and to the east, respectively. 

Printworks Place forms new public open space between Zones F and H of the Masterplan (a Reserved Matters Planning Application for Zone H was submitted in 2021 – find out more here). It has been designed as a place for people to meet and spend time. The plans are for Printworks Place to become a focal point locally, and the space would include public art, planting and seating.

New Brunswick Street would be a new controlled road for vehicles connecting Redriff Road from the south east to Surrey Quays Road to the north west, running alongside Zone F and the Park. To help regulate traffic along the edge of the park, New Brunswick Street would primarily be one-way from Redriff Road to Surrey Quays Road. However, two-way access would be provided between where the street connects Redriff Road to Zone J of the Masterplan (see map below). Access control would be managed via bollards controlled by the estate management team. There would also be significant planting on the section of New Brunswick Street adjacent to the park.

Statutory consultation – next steps

Southwark Council is holding a 28-day statutory consultation period on the application for Zone F until Tuesday 5 April and you can also provide comment on the application for Printworks Place/New Brunswick Street. The statutory consultation period is an opportunity for you to view the planning documents and make a formal comment directly to Southwark Council. Your comments will then be taken into consideration by the Council in their determination of the planning application.

You can find all the application documents and make a formal comment by visiting Southwark Council’s Planning Register using the case reference numbers below. The full website address is: https:/ A physical copy of the application documents will also be available to view in Canada Water Library, by mid-March.

  • Zone F: 21/AP/4712
  • Printworks Place/New Brunswick Street: 21/AP/4616

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any points in relation to the news above, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling 0800 470 4593 (freephone).

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