
27 Oct

Works begin to revitalise Canada Dock

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Works begin to revitalise Canada Dock

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A group of people on a bridge

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As we approach the end of the year, people in Canada Water will have noticed new hoarding going up around Canada Dock. This signals the start of construction works to restore the historic dock, transforming it into a vibrant space for local people to enjoy and restoring it as a habitat for wildlife.  

In partnership with contractor Galldris, we will remove the existing, self-seeded shrubland and upgrade the space, creating three distinct wetland habitats, along with seven new islands and more than 1km of shallow edges. We are working closely with the London Wildlife Trust to enhance biodiversity and provide a haven for birds, fish, amphibians and invertebrates.   

The regenerated dock will also provide renewed opportunities for people to enjoy the space, with a 170m boardwalk traversing the dock and steps down to the water’s edge with seating, made from reclaimed wood from the disused bridge in situ. 

The approximate schedule for the works is as follows:  

October – December 2022  

• Hoarding installed to fence off the construction site. Open fencing panels will provide visual access where possible, enabling people to observe the works in progress whilst maintaining a safe separation.  

• Hoardings erected to the south-west corner, adjacent to the Dock, diverting the pedestrian access route to Surrey Quays Shopping Centre around the work compound, instead of along the waterfront. This is required to enable access to the Dock for plant/machinery.  

New Year 2023  

• Groundworks / earth moving begins and piling commences, including reducing the water levels to enable full access  

Spring 2023  

• Access between The Range and the Dock will be temporarily reduced while works on the southern dockside take place. This will be kept to a minimum both in terms of space and duration.  

Summer 2023  

• Landscaping begins, to provide a basis for varied habitats  

• Construction begins on the 170m boardwalk traversing the dock  

Autumn 2023  

• Planting begins to create new wetland, and water levels begin to increase   

Spring 2024  

• Scheduled date for completion  

We would like to thank residents and those who spend time in the area for their patience during the construction period.  

For further information on the works, contact us using the following details: 

[email protected] 

0800 470 4593 (freephone) 


Canada Water Masterplan (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) 

Visit our construction activity webpage.

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