Some of you may have noticed clearing and activity on the site known as Robert’s Close (next to Alfred Salter), part of the Canada Water Masterplan. This is the first step in bringing half of the site into community use for around two years’ something we’re very excited about! This site will be used on a temporary or “meanwhile” basis for community activity and benefit, while the plans for the future development of the site are being established.
So what’s happening at the moment?
As you may know, we’ve been looking to bring this site into use for some time. The site itself has never been used. It was bought by the Daily Mail Group when they were still working in Harmsworth Quays for an extra car park, which was never needed. The ground is made up of material from the filling in of the docks, with an uneven and overgrown surface, which would be quite difficult and potentially unsafe to bring into wider community use as it stands.
Therefore we’ve recently agreed with the neighbours of the site Quadrant Construction for them to undertake works to the site, in exchange for using half for temporary storage, relating to the Quebec Quarter development next door. This will leave the half closest to Stave Hill for a community meanwhile use, and the half closest to Quebec Way for storage for 12 months.
What happens next?
We are now speaking to a number of organisations who specialise in working with the local community to bring sites into use on a temporary basis, and look to appoint in the Spring. This organisation would work with all locally to develop an exciting meanwhile use of the space. It won’t be straightforward, as the site has no services such as electricity or water, and it’s likely that we’ll start small to begin with. However, with the interest shown so far by the community, we’re excited about what we can come up with together for the space over the coming year.
To register your interest in being involved in the future, or if you have any questions then please email [email protected]; we’ll add your name to the list of those to be contacted about this project as it progresses. If you’re already on the masterplan mailing list or follow us on twitter then look out for updates.
Best wishes,
Eleanor Wright; British Land