Masterplan next steps: Following the last stage of consultation, the masterplan proposals are being reviewed. We are continuing outreach and will be holding focus sessions and further consultation on the updated proposals next year, with view to submitting a planning application later in 2017. In early December 2016 we will be holding further specific sessions on transport, full details below.
CWM Hub: British Land has recently completed refurbishment of the CWM Hub at Surrey Quays Shopping Centre. This will be a dedicated consultation space, as well as being available for community use, and we are in discussion with a local organisation about taking this on.
Ongoing Activities: In addition, British Land are working with Global Generation to develop mini-workshops and work experience with local schools and community organisations. Xcite has also submitted a planning application to temporarily transform the Printworks building into a mixed events venue.
Upcoming events – transport sessions
Ahead of the next stage of consultation we will be holding two informal drop-in sessions to gather insight and a more detailed understanding of the local transport network from a community perspective. This follows requests at the July 2016 transport session for a clear opportunity to contribute local knowledge across all types of transport as part of developing a masterplan.
These are information gathering events and we would like you to share your experience of getting around the local area. We will be building a map of ideas and issues – if possible please email photos or information ahead of the session to [email protected], or bring them on the day.
Before each drop-in event, we will have walkabouts to see and discuss the area first hand. On Saturday 3 December, we will have slightly longer to explore different aspects within walking distance of the shopping centre. On Thursday 8 December, this will focus on the local road network at peak time. Please find full details below and a project update leaflet can be downloaded here.
Saturday 3 December 2016
Walkabout | 10am – 12pm
Drop-in | 12pm – 3pm
Thursday 8 December 2016
Walkabout | 6pm – 7pm
Drop-in | 7pm – 9pm
Venue: CWM Hub, opposite Tesco at Surrey Quays Shopping Centre, SE16 7LL
Although it’s not essential to RSVP, if you can let us know if you’d like to come on the walkabout it will help us cater for the right numbers.