
15 Apr

Planning application submitted for buttress wall (brick box) at the eastern end of Hothfield Place to support gas main pipe diversion

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Planning application submitted for buttress wall (brick box) at the eastern end of Hothfield Place to support gas main pipe diversion

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British Land has submitted a planning application to construct a buttress wall (brick box) in the vegetated area behind the wooden fences at the very eastern end of Hothfield Place. This needs to be built to support and protect a new gas main pipeline that Southern Gas Network will be diverting through Surrey Quays Shopping Centre car park, as it changes levels from the car park down onto Hothfield Place – more information can be found hereImage 1 below marks up the construction site and provides more information on steps we are taking to reduce local impact. Image 2 is an illustrative image showing what the buttress wall will look like once works are complete.

Image 1

Image 2

Southwark Council is undertaking statutory consultation on this planning application between 15 April and 5 May 2019. All of the planning application documents are available on Southwark Council’s planning register here. The case reference number is 19/AP/0896.

Subject to planning permission, we hope to carry out these works over a period of approximately 6 weeks, between June and September 2019. We will provide details of the dates when the works will take place if planning permission is received.

Please get in touch if you have any questions. Section 6 of our FAQS page has also been updated – see here.

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