
30 Oct

Investigative works around Canada Water dock and the Surrey Quays car park

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Investigative works around Canada Water dock and the Surrey Quays car park

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Contractors will be undertaking a number of investigative works around Canada Water Dock and the Surrey Quays car park in the coming weeks (beginning 6th November) on behalf of British Land. These works will involve the drilling of eight boreholes and excavation of ten trenches. The purpose of the boreholes is to install monitoring wells to check the groundwater level beneath the car park. The trenches will be dug to confirm how the dock adjacent to the car park and train line running underneath the car park were built.

The information collected will help to inform our long term plans to enhance the dock and dock edge as part of the Canada Water Masterplan. More information on the updated masterplan shared in May 2017 and our vision for the area can be found here.

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